Vita tops are muffin-top snacks w/some organic ingredients, 100 calories and6 grams of fiber per muffin. I got the deep chocolate version and they are super yummy! this is a great snack w/all the fiber and low calories, and they also hit the chocolate craving!
I have been struggling some w/the healthfulness over the past few weeks. I've been sick some and always use that as an excuse to slack on the exercise and veggies. I'm trying to get back on track though! I've done some type of exercise every day this week. Major cardio & abs on Monday, walking on tuesday, and I walked w/co-workers on my lunch break today for 40 minutes--it;s such a beautiful day to be outside!
I can tell a difference in my body when I am eating better and exercising. One of the biggest factors for me is sleep--after a weekend of doing nothing and eating junk, I cannot sleep at all before work! it's really strange. But when I get plenty of exercise my mind is more relaxed and I can fall asleep quickly.
Here's to a better week and more motivation!