Monday, September 26, 2011

I John 2:1-14 study questions & break down

Here are my notes/study questions on the first half of I John 2.  I was honestly so anxious about teaching on this book but I feel like the Lord is really teaching me and my girls a lot!  Hope this can be a useful resource!

I John chapter 2

2: 1-6
1.  Gives second stated purpose of book.  What is it? (remember this as we discuss proscriptions in remainder of book)
                -Why is 2nd part of v. 1 significant?
                -What does an advocate do?  So in that role, what is Christ doing for us?
                -Why do you think it is significant to describe Christ as righteous?

2.  What does propitiation mean?
-hilasmos: reconciliation (through Christ) => “a sacrifice that bears God’s wrath & turns it to favor”
-What does it mean when it says that Christ is the propitiation for the whole world?
-Does this mean that all world’s sins are forgiven now?  Why/not? (give scripture references if possible.  Also see vs. 9-10 of chapter 1 & look for this as we go on in passage).

3-6.  How do these verses play out practically in your lives when you still sin or fail?
                *remember 1:8: perfection is impossible! And also 2:1—purpose of writing is that we will not sin

4.  How does knowing God lead to a desire to keep His commands?  (illustrate relationships: friend,
dating, or marriage—as we get to know the other person we desire to do or not do what they prefer in order to have a harmonious relationship)

5.  “perfected” here can be translated as “made complete”
                -it does not say “our love for Him is made perfect” but “the love of God is made perfect”:
                How does our keeping His commandments reflect back on God’s love, not our abilities?

6.  Again, illustration of walking is used.  How did Jesus “walk” and how can we mirror that?
- How is it possible for us to do anything like Christ?
-What does “abiding in Him” have to do with walking like Him?

Purposes: How does this section inspire joy in you?
                -How does it encourage you not to sin?

2: 7-11

v.7  He uses the term “beloved” to start this and started 2:1 w/”my little children”
-why do you think he uses these terms of endearment, & how do they affect your reading of this
-What command is her referring to here?  see Lev. 19:18, Deut. 6:5, Mt 22:34-40
-Why would it be important to John’s readers that this commandment isn’t brand new?

v. 8  How is this “old commandment also new?  see Jn 13:34-35
                -Can you think of ways that Jesus made old commands new?  (mt. 5:21-48 “but I say…” stmts)
                -How has he made this one new? Jn 13:34-35
                -How is this command made new in us? Jn 15:12-13
(command is new b/c previously we heard about it but now we experience it?) –maybe?
-How does the “true light shining” relate to this command which has been made new?
darkness: skotia: associated w/unhappiness; consequences of sin
shining: phaino:”indicates how a matter phenomenally shows & presents itself w/no necessary assumption of any beholder at all”; cannot be a figment of the imagination but must have a reality behind it
light: phos: never kindled or quenched
-According to this, as believers, how do we reflect the true light?
                -a definite action/substance must be behind it!
-How does darkness pass away?
                -literally by light being introduced…here can refer to darkness before Christ
9. What does it mean to hate?  How do we show hate to others?
-How is hate evidence of darkness?

10.  love: agapeo:   (Who can define this?)
-term only used in religious contexts.  Indicates direction of the will & finding joy in something.  compassionate/benevolent love; wanting the best for a person
-How is love for others a sign of light in us?
-What does it mean when it says “no cause for stumbling in him?
-How does light prevent us f/m stumbling?  (Jn. 11:9-10)

v. 11 Restating of other vs. w/conclusion
                -What are the 3 characteristics/progression of one who hates?
                                -in the darkness
                                -walking in darkness
                                -blinded by darkness so without direction

-Have you ever been blinded by hate?
-How does hate or lack of love affect our relationship w/God & other believers?
-Practically, how do we overcome hate and have a loving attitude towards others?
-How do love & obedience go together?
-How does this passage promote joy?  How does it inspire you not to sin?

2: 12-14
This section breaks down 3 groups and a new stated purpose of why John has written/is writing them.    (see diagram for breakdown)

There are different views on the 3 groups but agreement that they are based on maturity in Christ. 
-Some say that “little children” sections apply to all believers based on contextual use in 2:1, others see little children as being brand new believers.  Regardless, “fathers” and “young men” are used to refer to most mature in Christ, and younger believers, respectively.

John also changes the tense of his “writing” terms in vs. 13.  Previous verses used present tense while latter verses use aorist.  Speculation includes that the aorist tense (have written/write) refers to a previous work vs. current (i.e., previous work being gospel of John) while others believe it refers to what was previous part of this letter vs. what he is going to write next. 


What do you think the different terms refer to—3 different groups or two and one general reference to all Christians.  Why?

Why do you think that each purpose is significant to the group that is mentioned?

v. 12.  Why is it significant that our sins are forgiven for the sake of His name?  How does this tie in w/what we previously learned in 1:9

-How is the fathers’ reminder of knowing “Him who is from the beginning” different than the reminder to the children that they know the Father?   (see john 1:1-5 & 14:6-7 for more on john’s view of the Father & Son.)

  -Why would it be important to those who had been believers longer to be reminded that He is “from the beginning”, while “little children” just need to be reminded that they know the Father?

-Do you think the “Father” and “Him who is from the beginning” both refer to God the Father or that one refers to Christ?

-The “young men” are given very action-based/empowering assurances.  Why do you think those are important for those who are in that faith stage?  (Eph. 6:11-13)

-How are believers able to be strong? (Eph. 6:10-11)

-What does it mean for the word of God to abide in us?  John 5:36-38; John 14:15-20,25-26; Eph 2:16, 6:17-18

-How can John say that the young men have overcome the evil one already?  John 16:32-33, I John 4:4, 5:4

-Which of these assurances is most comforting or inspiring for you?

Going to our purposes—How does this section bring you joy?  How does it challenge you not to sin?

Monday, September 12, 2011

I John 1 study questions

I have intended to do this since starting ministry, but I am starting now!  Whenever I lead a Bible study I write out questions/a "lesson plan" and have wanted to post those online for my own record and also so that those of you who financially or prayerfully support my ministry w/CRU can follow along w/what we are going through.  I have been lazy about actually typing them up.  Then recently while hanging out w/some former Bible study girls they mentioned that I had taught I John w/their group!  I had completely forgotten that, and decided then to start compiling my notes so that I would not forgot what I had learned/taught in the past.

This year in CRU all of our Bible studies are going through I John.  It is a difficult book--not a real "outline" to follow and it deals with some hard things.  But if you want to follow along, here are my notes on chapter 1.  I will post about this every time we finish a chapter, which should be at least once a month. 

Thank you for your prayers for this ministry!

I John 1:1-10
1-4: Prologue
-What kinds of words do you see repeated in this section & what does that repetition communicate?
(“we have…action verbs”, “proclaim”, “made manifest”, “life” fellowship”)
-what is the stated purpose of the letter in this section?
                Keep this I mind as we read—how does I John promote joy? Is joy your response?

5.  darkness: Gk is skotos (symbolizing sin) or skotia (consequences of sin) depending on manuscripts
                -do you think this refers to sin or the consequences of sin contextually?
     Light: gk is phos=never kindled or quenched.
    -What do these descriptors tell us about God & His character?

6-7: 2 walks w/different consequences & reflections.  What are they?
-Why do you think vs. 6 mentions fellowship w/God but v. 7 mentions fellowship w/other believers?
-What does it practically look like to walk in darkness or light f/m your personal experience?

8-10: steps to communion w/God
8.  Key verse to remember as we do the rest of the book! 
                -how do you see this verse true in your lives?
9.  what does it mean practically to confess your sins?  (aka, what does it include/not include?)

10.Why do you think saying “we have no sin” warrants such a harsh response?

Reflection: How does this chapter promote joy in you and how can you practically apply them in your life?

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

What am I Praying for?

"We look upon prayer as a means of getting things for ourselves, but the biblical purpose of prayer is that we may get to know God Himself." ~Oswald Chambers
 Now, the Bible definitely does support prayers of  supplication & intercession, but this quote really struck me because it shows the screwed up priorities that we (I) have.  We could be really spending time with the Lord and knowing His character and asking Him to do His will in our lives, but instead we focus our prayers on what we want in this life, in our relationships, in our work. 

I have been praying for God to use me in ministry this year and for fruitful relationships w/the girls I will be in contact with, as well as some personal intercessions.  But I have not been praying for God to reveal His character & His will to me.  It has all been about my comfort, my effectiveness, my ministry even.  When none of this is mine at all. 

I struggle so much with leaning on what I think I can do.  Not what I can do b/c we all know that without the Lord we are nothing.  But in my little mind I forget that and secretly want all the attention on myself.  I am praying once again for the Lord to break me.  That is the scariest prayer I ever pray and always brings memories of the last time He really did that, but I know it is necessary. 

Please pray for my heart as I begin this new season of ministry!  I have new ladies to lead & disciple, a new (and in my opinion very challenging) book of the Bible to lead on, and the reality is that I can't do it and I need to stop pretending that I can!

I pray that the Lord will reveal HIMSELF.  not me.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

God alone

Lately I've been kind of a brat.  In a lot of different ways really, but recently I've especially been one about friends.

You see, I live in a college town, and have lived here since I was two years old.  But for some reason this town seems to be a very transitional place for most people.  I meet people in high school or college, or while serving them while they are involved w/CRU while in college.  I form these super-close friendships...and then they move away.  An awful lot of them seem to move to the same cities as others (Nashville or Louisville areas especially) but just away from me.  And I've been very cranky about it.  Making snide comments to friends who are moving instead of being fully supportive or sometimes just shutting down.  It's hard.  I miss my closest friends--none of my "best" friends even live in the same state and it gets hard to fully invest in relationships b/c I get this idea that they are just going to move away in a year or so anyway so why bother. Of course, there are plenty of people that do stay here but I just haven't taken the time to fully invest.

Well, today I was catching up on My Utmost for His Highest devotional and, once again, God smacked me in the face with a truth that I have just been to whiny to see.
"Over & over again God has to remove our friends to put Himself in their place, and that is when we falter, fail, and become discouraged.... Your priorities must be God first, God second, and God third until your life is continually face to face with God and no one else is taken into account."
 Now, I don't believe that this means that we should ignore Christian community or serving others (obviously that is unbiblical) but just that we should not rely on others more than we do the Lord.  And that is exactly what I have been doing.  I sit here and fuss and throw pity parties b/c "everyone is leaving me" while blatantly ignoring the only One who never will.  Ouch.

Lord, please draw me closer to You and teach me to view my human relationships as a gift from You, not as what sustains me.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

stage of life stuff

I feel like my mind is constantly absorbed with thoughts about kids lately--not in the "baby fever" way but more in the pondering of why I don't feel that need/desire and all the complications that come with it.  This has honestly been a hard season of life for me.  On one hand, the Lord has provided me with the amazing opportunity to devote my life to vocational ministry which I absolutely adore with every ounce of my being.  Then on the other, I feel this tremendous pressure to move on to the "next stage" and start a family.  But that is all that it is--social pressure.  Not even comments directed at me, yet for some reason I am taking all things related to children very personally. 

I have wondered if that is a type of conviction from the Lord that we need to step out in faith in this way, but at the same time I've been praying for His direction and know that I am being called to at least one more year of college ministry.  I guess for some reason I just feel the need to defend my calling because it is different right now.  I feel like the motherhood role is so highly revered and aspired to by Christian women--and it is honestly all that it was all I ever wanted growing up--so even though the Lord has been telling me to serve Him in this ministry role I feel like it doesn't count.  I know that He has guarded my heart from the "baby fever" up through this point due to my health issues and now due to my call to serve Him by ministering to college students.  I am praying and trusting that when it is time, He will fully give me that desire, and not just for a few days but a consistent deep longing in my heart to have a child.  I just feel like there is something wrong with me for not having that!

It is especially hard right now with the adoption push that I am seeing in the people around me.  And please don't misunderstand my heart--adoption is an amazing and biblical process that I have always loved.  But I feel like there is pressure right now.  Like believers are being told that if they don't pursue adoption then they aren't fully understanding or partaking in the gospel.  So even though no one has said anything to me I feel like I'm being judged as selfish for being married for 5 years but not starting a family.  And it drives me crazy that I am letting these imagined judgements distract me from the fact that I am serving the Lord in ministry exactly where He called me!  (Again, a lot of my friends are pursuing adoption or have been blessed through it--I am not questioning anyone's heart or saying you were pressured, that is just something that I feel and I have had other friends express the same feeling)

Last year when I was pondering on these issues, I was in a place of fear.  While I still have what I think is a healthy fear of the reality of starting a family, at this point in time I feel that if we were to get pregnant we would be more excited than scared, but we just feel the calling to continue serving where we are.  I guess this is just a part of the spiritual warfare that comes from serving the Lord.  As believers who are seeking to walk according to the Lord's will it would be foolish to think that Satan would not try to distract us by causing us to second-guess where the Lord has us. 

Another big issue I'm struggling with in relation to all of this is the lack of friends in my stage of life.  The reality is that relationships change when kids enter the picture.  Not necessarily always in a bad way, but it is undeniably different.  I think that is part of why I enjoy the college students so much--we can relate deeply on many of the same levels.  This is another stupid insecurity, but when relating to women with children I just feel like whatever I'm dealing with is inconsequential.  That since I don't understand what it is to be responsible for another life, my problems don't count.  (To clarify, this change hasn't negatively affected my closest relationships, but  it does change many of them).  The Lord has been revealing a prideful problem in my heart when it comes to this issue, and showing me that I need to open my heart to people in different life stages--not just those who "understand," but it's still hard.  Ironically, since my post last July almost all of the commenters have either had babies or are currently pregnant.  I very selfishly feel that my friends are getting snatched away from me, one-by-one.  I know that is a stupid way to think.  Friendships don't end just because life changes or they aren't true friendships in the first place!  But the Lord is also teaching me about my need to depend more deeply on Him rather than people.  He is the only constant!

I don't really know the purpose of this post...this is just what has been on my heart lately.  Please pray that the Lord will either give us continued peace about where we are or completely change both mine & Patrick's (we are both in agreement about needing to continue to wait at this point) hearts by giving us a desire to start a family, depending on what His will is.   As of now, we are confident that God has called me to another year of ministry with CRU--at this point as the only active female staff member on our team at WKU.  I will update soon on the end of the semester as well--the last several weeks have been so fruitful and joyous!  Sometimes it is just so hard for me to focus on where God has called me in this moment instead of looking always to the next step.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

On being needed

I think I have posted about this before, but, in my pride, I really struggle with wanting my advice, presence, comfort, be needed by those I am ministering to.  I love pouring into the lives and hearts of those I lead in Bible study and disciple, and I just want it so much.  In fact, even as I'm typing this I'm realizing that I feel the need to be needed.  Not just that I want to serve selflessly, but I want to serve so that I will feel the joy of having people pour their hearts out to me and come to me for advice--I need this rather than needing Christ.  But that is not at all what we're called to do, and in reality what I am doing here is confessing a major sin in my life.  (God has been revealing so much sin to me lately.  Honestly, it is very difficult and somewhat discouraging to constantly be reminded that I am doing things out of pride and selfishness rather than truly out of heart for Him.)

This all came up this afternoon when I was reading Oswald Chambers' My Utmost for His Highest. The devotion for today is "Decreasing for His Purpose" and is focusing on John 3:30:
"He must increase, but I must decrease"
 And the reality is that I want to increase!  I want to increase my influence.  The lives that I touch.  The people who feel the need to call me or make an appointment with me when something big is going on in their lives.  I wish I could say that when those things happen I automatically point them straight to the Lord, but I all to often just try to come up with some good advice, and maybe a Christian catchphrase. As I think about this issue, I can't help but imagine the future reality if we have kids--if I can't encourage the independent growth of the students I lead for a short time, how much more will I want my future children to depend on me for everything!

The devotion stared with the sentence:
"If you become a necessity to someone else's life, you are out of God's will"
 Ouch.   It stings so much to realize that I am desiring something that is out of the Lord's will.  Please pray for me as I am dealing with this reality...that the Lord will purify my heart that I only point people to Him and encourage their dependence on Him and independence from people.  That I love Him & His cause more than I love those that I serve.  And that I become so rooted to the cross that I can see nothing else.  I want to honestly feel that "He must increase, but I must decrease."

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

When God Speaks

Sorry that I have not been faithful in posting here regularly as of late.  I would like to say that I am just so busy that I haven't had time to post all the amazing things that God is doing in my life, but in reality the past few months have been difficult.  I have been sick a lot (typical for a winter but especially so for my weakened and susceptible immune system) and I have really allowed that sickness to leave me discouraged & honestly guilty.  I know that guilt sounds like a ridiculous reaction to illness, but since I quit my job at the doctor's office primarily to improve my health, every setback in that area leads me to feel like I have failed:  I should have just persevered at my job and not put my family under the financial strain that has come from quitting.  Now, in reality I am 100% sure that I am where God wants me, and I also know that hubs prefers where I am now to where I was then, but still, that is one of those areas where my faith fails when it is tested. 

In addition I have dealt with some spiritual apathy.  Though I have mostly been consistent in times with the Lord and I am constantly surrounded by people seeking the Lord in ministry, I started shifting to my default sin mode: relying on my own "strength" and feeling like I can do these things based on my "wisdom" rather than the Lord's.  I've been going through the motions, and honestly feeling detached and distant from what God is doing and who He is. 

I used being out of town a little over a week ago to get me out of my "habit" of daily time with the Lord and before I knew it over a week had gone by without dedicated time with Him (I am learning that I have to make a distinction between Bible study planning & prayer meetings & personal time with the Lord).  So yesterday morning I got out my Bible & devotional book to "catch up" on my readings and devote some time to prayer...and God met me there!  I think as believers we over complicate what it is to hear God speak to us and try to push the promptings of the Spirit to the background as errant thoughts, but when we go to meet with God, He will be there and speak to us!  And what He said to me at the beginning was not something I wanted to do.  He told me to devote that day to Him and turn off the "noise" that I normally default to. 

If you know me fairly well you know that I love my entertainment.  I love TV--it's almost always on in the background just b/c I don't want the house to be quiet when I'm at home and I always like to multi-task.  I also LOVE the internet...blogs in particular.  My Google Reader is bursting with new updates every single day and I have not been able to just ignore those.  I love books & magazines reading at every opportunity.  I love stupid computer & internet games that do nothing but waste my time!  In other words, my life is full of meaningless distractions that I allow to consume every day of my life.  It's crazy b/c I always get this feeling that I will "miss out" on something--some joke or article or recipe--if I don't read, watch, and listen to everything that is available to me.  (I often call myself and information hoarder--along w/the stuff hoarding).  Another revelation from the Lord over the past few days is that I am much like Eve in the garden of Eden desiring the knowledge of good & evil--and I haven't had a filter but have equally (unequally leaning towards the world) been wanting to know both the things of the Lord & the things of the world.

So God told me not to consume my day with those things.  And I started to try to brush that thought away:  "I only need to do that for the morning" "I can't not check my email!" "Maybe just not the trashy shows but the Turner Classic Movies are ok?"  After much metal waffling and debating I agreed to obey the Lord in this for my entire day until time with my husband in the evening.  So yeah.  Agreement to obey.  And do you know the first thing that I thought next?  "I need to tweet about devoting today to the Lord so people will know why I'm not online!"  (HELLO PRIDE!)  Thankfully God showed me the ridiculousness of that thought & I refrained, but I immediately then started thinking about how I would blog about it and all the things that I was doing.  Ridiculous!!!  All. Day. Long. I found myself mentally teaching about this experience and explaining it to others.  I am by nature a teacher and I really do learn more from the Lord when I am leading a Bible study or discipling someone, but God was very obviously telling me that was not the point of the day.  (I did consider not posting about this at all but I feel that the Lord does want me to give Him glory by sharing what He is teaching me)  So here I am in the kitchen, constantly trying to give this prideful attitude over to the Lord and open my heart to Him but I could not shut off these ridiculous prideful self-glorifying thoughts in my head.  I had brought my ipod dock into the kitchen w/some praise songs and a few sermons I had been needing to listen to and I finally started singing along with some of the praise songs when God revealed it to me:
 How cool is that?  I mean literally, when I was singing praises to the Lord I could not focus my thoughts on myself.  But that is definitely a discipline.  If I stopped, my sinful mind would go right back to me.  But those moments of focus on the Lord were so precious!

I'm not going to share everything God said to me in that time, but He definitely spoke in that day.  He revealed so much about how very deep my pride goes.  He showed me my selfish motives in what I pray for.  My desire for glorification in ministry.  The fact that I care too much for people and not nearly enough for Christ.  These kinds of revelations are so painful but praise be to God who is patient and willing to speak to us if only we will listen!! 

In closing I want to re-post this hymn, the lyrics of which are a prayer that I NEED to pray & apply every day.  God wants to speak to us but how rarely are we willing to turn off the noise and listen to Him!

Speak, Lord, in the stillness, 
While I wait on Thee; 
Hushed my heart to listen
In expectancy.

Speak, O blessed Master, 
In this quiet hour, 
Let me see Thy face Lord,
Feel Thy touch of power.

For the words Thou speakest, 
"They are life" indeed; 
Living Bread from heaven, 
Now my spirit feed!

All to Thee is yielded,
I am not my own; 
Blissful glad surrender,
I am Thine alone.

Fill me with the knowledge
Of Thy glorious will; 
All Thine own good pleasure
In my life fulfill.

~Emily May Grimes

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Today I was able to hear a good friend preach a thoughtful and sensitive sermon on one of the hardest issues that Bible-believing Christians deal with today: homosexuality. 

I highly recommend listening to the podcast here:

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

The Waiting Game

Sorry for my prolonged absence over here! I have so many things I want to post--ministry updates, the lessons I write for Bible study, and a study guide for the book that we're going through--but sometimes living life gets in the way of writing about it!  Go figure ;)

One of the most special gifts that I received for Christmas was a copy of Oswald Chambers' My Utmost for His Highest daily devotional journal that my dad went through over the past year and filled with messages, notes, and prayers for me.  This year I am going through that book & his notes as part of my own devotional time. 

The entry for today was on the discipline of waiting on God referencing John 13:37
"Peter said to Him, 'Lord, why can I not follow You now?'"

How much does that statement hit home?!?!  In our culture, everything is so instantaneous that I don't believe we know how to wait.  If a line is too long we jump in another or go somewhere else.  If we are having a hard time at our jobs we quit.  If a relationship is difficult we end it.   We have fast food, Netflix, "on demand" channels & DVRs, microwaves...every convenience to give us what we want right NOW.  I'm not saying that all these things are inherently bad, but that they reinforce a culture of impatience. 

Chambers says:
"When God brings a time of waiting, and appears to be unresponsive, don't fill it with busyness, just wait. ...  Never run before God gives you His direction."

That is such a hard thing to do.  In the Abide in Christ book that I'm going through with the girls I disciple it lays out our only real responsibilities as believers:  "to yield, to trust, to wait." As we discuss that I've asked each girl which one is hardest for them.  The answer varies, but for me, the hardest is always the waiting.  I feel like I can yield things to the Lord and trust Him for a time, but as I start to grow uncomfortable and impatient I always try to take it into my own hands. 

The best example in my life from a time when I learned to trust Him was last year as hubs & I were going through the process of changing my career.  There had been several times over the years when I was dissatisfied with my former job and wanted to leave, but it wasn't the right time.  I stuck with it until last February when I knew that a change had to take place, but had no idea what that was. We tried to make our own options happen--to find the perfect job quickly & on our own.  The months went by and finally God provided exactly what He wanted me to do!  It's crazy because the policy changes & new business that have made it possible for me to do ministry through GSN partnering with Campus Crusade did not exist a few years ago.  If, in my impatience, I had chosen to leave my job when I first wanted to, or even within those first few months of questioning, I would have settled for less than God's best.  By waiting--as hard as it was--He provided EXACTLY what I had always wanted to do--what He had called me to. 

Now, that is one example in my life when I did this right--the majority of the time I am so controlling that I just try to make things happen how I would like to see them go--and I am the queen of "busyness" for sure.  But what a comfort we have to know that God knows what is best and wants just that for our lives!  We just have to learn to wait!