Monday, September 26, 2011

I John 2:1-14 study questions & break down

Here are my notes/study questions on the first half of I John 2.  I was honestly so anxious about teaching on this book but I feel like the Lord is really teaching me and my girls a lot!  Hope this can be a useful resource!

I John chapter 2

2: 1-6
1.  Gives second stated purpose of book.  What is it? (remember this as we discuss proscriptions in remainder of book)
                -Why is 2nd part of v. 1 significant?
                -What does an advocate do?  So in that role, what is Christ doing for us?
                -Why do you think it is significant to describe Christ as righteous?

2.  What does propitiation mean?
-hilasmos: reconciliation (through Christ) => “a sacrifice that bears God’s wrath & turns it to favor”
-What does it mean when it says that Christ is the propitiation for the whole world?
-Does this mean that all world’s sins are forgiven now?  Why/not? (give scripture references if possible.  Also see vs. 9-10 of chapter 1 & look for this as we go on in passage).

3-6.  How do these verses play out practically in your lives when you still sin or fail?
                *remember 1:8: perfection is impossible! And also 2:1—purpose of writing is that we will not sin

4.  How does knowing God lead to a desire to keep His commands?  (illustrate relationships: friend,
dating, or marriage—as we get to know the other person we desire to do or not do what they prefer in order to have a harmonious relationship)

5.  “perfected” here can be translated as “made complete”
                -it does not say “our love for Him is made perfect” but “the love of God is made perfect”:
                How does our keeping His commandments reflect back on God’s love, not our abilities?

6.  Again, illustration of walking is used.  How did Jesus “walk” and how can we mirror that?
- How is it possible for us to do anything like Christ?
-What does “abiding in Him” have to do with walking like Him?

Purposes: How does this section inspire joy in you?
                -How does it encourage you not to sin?

2: 7-11

v.7  He uses the term “beloved” to start this and started 2:1 w/”my little children”
-why do you think he uses these terms of endearment, & how do they affect your reading of this
-What command is her referring to here?  see Lev. 19:18, Deut. 6:5, Mt 22:34-40
-Why would it be important to John’s readers that this commandment isn’t brand new?

v. 8  How is this “old commandment also new?  see Jn 13:34-35
                -Can you think of ways that Jesus made old commands new?  (mt. 5:21-48 “but I say…” stmts)
                -How has he made this one new? Jn 13:34-35
                -How is this command made new in us? Jn 15:12-13
(command is new b/c previously we heard about it but now we experience it?) –maybe?
-How does the “true light shining” relate to this command which has been made new?
darkness: skotia: associated w/unhappiness; consequences of sin
shining: phaino:”indicates how a matter phenomenally shows & presents itself w/no necessary assumption of any beholder at all”; cannot be a figment of the imagination but must have a reality behind it
light: phos: never kindled or quenched
-According to this, as believers, how do we reflect the true light?
                -a definite action/substance must be behind it!
-How does darkness pass away?
                -literally by light being introduced…here can refer to darkness before Christ
9. What does it mean to hate?  How do we show hate to others?
-How is hate evidence of darkness?

10.  love: agapeo:   (Who can define this?)
-term only used in religious contexts.  Indicates direction of the will & finding joy in something.  compassionate/benevolent love; wanting the best for a person
-How is love for others a sign of light in us?
-What does it mean when it says “no cause for stumbling in him?
-How does light prevent us f/m stumbling?  (Jn. 11:9-10)

v. 11 Restating of other vs. w/conclusion
                -What are the 3 characteristics/progression of one who hates?
                                -in the darkness
                                -walking in darkness
                                -blinded by darkness so without direction

-Have you ever been blinded by hate?
-How does hate or lack of love affect our relationship w/God & other believers?
-Practically, how do we overcome hate and have a loving attitude towards others?
-How do love & obedience go together?
-How does this passage promote joy?  How does it inspire you not to sin?

2: 12-14
This section breaks down 3 groups and a new stated purpose of why John has written/is writing them.    (see diagram for breakdown)

There are different views on the 3 groups but agreement that they are based on maturity in Christ. 
-Some say that “little children” sections apply to all believers based on contextual use in 2:1, others see little children as being brand new believers.  Regardless, “fathers” and “young men” are used to refer to most mature in Christ, and younger believers, respectively.

John also changes the tense of his “writing” terms in vs. 13.  Previous verses used present tense while latter verses use aorist.  Speculation includes that the aorist tense (have written/write) refers to a previous work vs. current (i.e., previous work being gospel of John) while others believe it refers to what was previous part of this letter vs. what he is going to write next. 


What do you think the different terms refer to—3 different groups or two and one general reference to all Christians.  Why?

Why do you think that each purpose is significant to the group that is mentioned?

v. 12.  Why is it significant that our sins are forgiven for the sake of His name?  How does this tie in w/what we previously learned in 1:9

-How is the fathers’ reminder of knowing “Him who is from the beginning” different than the reminder to the children that they know the Father?   (see john 1:1-5 & 14:6-7 for more on john’s view of the Father & Son.)

  -Why would it be important to those who had been believers longer to be reminded that He is “from the beginning”, while “little children” just need to be reminded that they know the Father?

-Do you think the “Father” and “Him who is from the beginning” both refer to God the Father or that one refers to Christ?

-The “young men” are given very action-based/empowering assurances.  Why do you think those are important for those who are in that faith stage?  (Eph. 6:11-13)

-How are believers able to be strong? (Eph. 6:10-11)

-What does it mean for the word of God to abide in us?  John 5:36-38; John 14:15-20,25-26; Eph 2:16, 6:17-18

-How can John say that the young men have overcome the evil one already?  John 16:32-33, I John 4:4, 5:4

-Which of these assurances is most comforting or inspiring for you?

Going to our purposes—How does this section bring you joy?  How does it challenge you not to sin?

Monday, September 12, 2011

I John 1 study questions

I have intended to do this since starting ministry, but I am starting now!  Whenever I lead a Bible study I write out questions/a "lesson plan" and have wanted to post those online for my own record and also so that those of you who financially or prayerfully support my ministry w/CRU can follow along w/what we are going through.  I have been lazy about actually typing them up.  Then recently while hanging out w/some former Bible study girls they mentioned that I had taught I John w/their group!  I had completely forgotten that, and decided then to start compiling my notes so that I would not forgot what I had learned/taught in the past.

This year in CRU all of our Bible studies are going through I John.  It is a difficult book--not a real "outline" to follow and it deals with some hard things.  But if you want to follow along, here are my notes on chapter 1.  I will post about this every time we finish a chapter, which should be at least once a month. 

Thank you for your prayers for this ministry!

I John 1:1-10
1-4: Prologue
-What kinds of words do you see repeated in this section & what does that repetition communicate?
(“we have…action verbs”, “proclaim”, “made manifest”, “life” fellowship”)
-what is the stated purpose of the letter in this section?
                Keep this I mind as we read—how does I John promote joy? Is joy your response?

5.  darkness: Gk is skotos (symbolizing sin) or skotia (consequences of sin) depending on manuscripts
                -do you think this refers to sin or the consequences of sin contextually?
     Light: gk is phos=never kindled or quenched.
    -What do these descriptors tell us about God & His character?

6-7: 2 walks w/different consequences & reflections.  What are they?
-Why do you think vs. 6 mentions fellowship w/God but v. 7 mentions fellowship w/other believers?
-What does it practically look like to walk in darkness or light f/m your personal experience?

8-10: steps to communion w/God
8.  Key verse to remember as we do the rest of the book! 
                -how do you see this verse true in your lives?
9.  what does it mean practically to confess your sins?  (aka, what does it include/not include?)

10.Why do you think saying “we have no sin” warrants such a harsh response?

Reflection: How does this chapter promote joy in you and how can you practically apply them in your life?