Wednesday, April 14, 2010

the thing about marriage is that you are basically inviting another person to see the most miserable ugly sides of yourself, and then trusting that they won't run screaming for the hills. 

tonight was one of those nights.  still feeling miserably sick, hubs and i got into one of those ridiculous arguments that arises purely out of misunderstandings about one another's "tone" and then gets out of hand.  he said something that hurt my heart and i flipped out like never before.  i broke one of my cute little milk glass custard cups.  threw it on the ground and one of the pieces cut his leg.  i am embarrassed.  we talked it out and all, but it is just one of those miserable times that you wish you could take back.  we are not one of those couples to be all snuggly after a fight.  we both need alone time to just be.  so here we are. 

but we're married and we still love each other.  sometimes it is not rainbows and butterflies, but instead shards of milk glass on the ground that have to be swept up and thrown away so that we can start again.


  1. Oh no :( I'm so sad about your night tonight. A fight when you are sick is the worst too. I hate that you had to have a fight like that but I am glad that you stuck it out and made amends. I know you guys are really working hard at communicating better and understanding each others needs, even through times like this. I'll be loving and praying for you and Patrick tonight. i hope you can spend some time together after you have your separate time.
