Saturday, January 16, 2010

Ten in 10, week 2

Well, this week was not so great. I had a stomach virus for half the week, which for some people would mean major weight loss, but I always eat lots of bread and unhealthy comfort food when I'm sick, even if it's a stomach So here's what I learned!

-I lost 1.4 pounds, bringing my total weight loss to 4.4 pounds. I feel good about that, but know that I could have done better. However, any loss is a loss and I will be greatful!

-I did exercise on my gazelle and did a bit of strength training twice this week...and man, am I out of shape! eek! I've noticed that I get winded more easily and doing the little things were hard for me. The exercise did cause some serious pain from my plantar fasciitis though....but I am noticing that the cortisone shot in my right foot helped a LOT. I go to see a foot doctor on Monday morning, so I may just suck it up and get it in my left foot so that I will at least be even in my pain! That may help w/the exercise too.

-My eating has not been great. I just don't want fruits and veggies when I'm sick. bleh. Oh well, I'm better now so it's time to get back on track!

-I have not tracked my food every day and it really does make a difference for me.

-I realized that I am going to have to weigh in at least once a week, even when I hopefully reach my goal weight. If I don't weigh myself I don't realize where I am b/c I wear scrubs to work most of the time and they just don't show weight gain so much! I hate that I have to be this dependent on the scale, but the reality is that I need "checkpoints" in life to make sure that I'm on the right track.

Well, here's to a better week next week! How did you do this week?

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