Saturday, January 9, 2010

Ten in 10, one week down!

So I finished my first week of the Ten in 10 challenge, hosted by the super-fab recipegirl and I am feeling really excited and motivated about my progress so far!

-I've lost 3 pounds this week! woohoo!! I have been tracking my food on Sparkpeople and after resetting my program from last year I am focusing on staying in my calorie range each day. I've used the calorie stuff to figure out lunch or dinner options before actually eating them so I can be prepared in advance.

-I have consistently eaten fresh fruits and veggies, and made them a large part of my meals

-I have completed a workout with my new Bender Ball (super exicted to find it at Target a few weeks ago!) and am feeling it in my "abs" (or "flabs" in its current state). I am still very limited on what I can do in the area of exercise due to my acute plantar fasciitis and fibromyalgia pain. I saw my doctor yesterday and he gave me a prescription to take to a local gym stating that I cannot do any cardio other than swimming--hopefully this will help me get some kind of discount on a membership! Also in that area, yesterday he gave me a cortisone shot in my foot to help with the pain and...well, i'm not a needle-phobe by any means. shots and having my blood drawn are no big deal...but this was EXCRUCIATING!! It was this 2 inch needle and he had to insert the entire length of it into my heel. Then hold it in there and push really hard while it injected this steroid gel into my poor little feetsees. I am still in pain from that. Hopefully it will help, but dang, I better see some results or I am not trying that again!

-I have withstood some major temptations! I got a turkey sandwich when we all ordered from Steak & Shake on a snowy day this week; I did not give in to the GIANT box of baked goods placed on my desk from a drug rep; and I gave away a tiramisu, cheesecake, and some muffins that I made this week.

My major goals for the rest of the challenge (and year for that matter....) are to keep up with making healthful choices and to make those the "norm" for me rather than the exception. I also want to find a way to excercise that works with my health conditions.

Every bit of progress gives me motivation for the future. This cold snowy weather is especially hard for me b/c I want to cuddle up and be lazy and eat warm creamy things, but I have done well so far. Seeing pounds come off helps me know it is possible, and it is also good for me to focus on the times when I feel most uncomfortable in my body to remind myself why I want to do this.

1 comment:

  1. Hooray for SparkPeople! And congrats on losing 3 pounds! That is awesome!!

    That shot sounds terrible. It better be worth the pain it caused! :)
