Saturday, February 6, 2010

Ten in 10, week 5

Well, I was extremely disappointed when I weighed in yesterday and saw that I had not lost anything over the week. I thought did so well too! I was overjoyed to find that my feet were feeling much better, and as a result I exercised 4 times this week on my gazelle, as well as doing lots of crunches and weight stuff! I resisted the huge temptation of mexican food. Why won't the stupid scale budge! BOO!!!

I did not track everything I ate this week, so I may be eating more calories than I thought. This weekend has not been good in the food area though b/c I had a big reunion with my Bible study girls and made a ton of comfort food. Sadly, all the time on my feet has been very bad for me and I am in lots of pain :(

I guess all there is to do is rest, not eat too much, and start tracking every morsel again. One of my coworkers mentioned how all the meds I'm on may be interfering with my ability to lose weight. I'm afraid of that is true, and I don't know what to do about it. Wish me luck b/c this is so hard!

1 comment:

  1. Good Luck love! This may sound weird but I've heard if you aren't able to get good consistent sleep it really mess with your weight. I didn't believe it until I started paying attention in my own life and it was true for me. I know its not totally in our control how much sleep we get but maybe that will help?
