Sunday, February 28, 2010

Ten in 10 update

I realized I haven't posted about the Ten in 10 challenge in a while so I wanted to give an update on that...though I think it's almost over?? I'm not good at counting weeks..

Well, basically I have not done too great. I feel that I was struck by some amazing miracle at the end of last week and my stomach just was not so hungry! I was shocked! I got full really easily and made mostly good choices. I weighed in yesterday and was back to a few ounces within the lowest that I was this year after a bit of a setback while I was sick, so I was pleased to see that!

However, I did not exercise AT ALL last week due to...being sick again! (what else?) Sinus infection this time. And we ate horribly all weekend. Seriously, had some kind of take-out every single night of the weekend. So I've got to get back into the good eating habits. I feel like I'm just on a seesaw--I don't care at all and blow everything and then I get really worried about it and do well for a few days. blah. I don't really know how to break out of this? Any good suggestions? I am just not the willpower queen. And I don't want to give up my baking!

Thankfully, my feet have been feeling much better lately, so at least exercising is an option again!

I guess that's it for now. Wish me luck at doing better!

1 comment:

  1. Good Luck love! I have been frustrated with my eating and exercise habits of late, we just have not been home so I haven't had much control over what we eat... and since we've been eating poorly I've been craving more junk food! Hopefully it will change some since we are going to be home for a while now!
