Monday, February 8, 2010

5 o'clock club: advice please!

Okay, I am struggling here. I am very clearly in the midst of a flare up with my CFS/fibro/broken body, but I don't know what to do about this challenge. I got up early yesterday, did my devotions but could barely keep my eyes open and therefore did not really remember anything that I studied, and promptly got back in bed and slept till one. Today was worse. I got up at six, feeling horrible. Came out and read my bible and a few devotions, again exhausted, barely kept my eyes open and did not comprehend anything that I read. I took my shower and started to get ready for work but again was feeling so horrible that I called in and got back in bed. I did not wake up until 2:45!!! and that was only b/c hubs called me with a question! I had a dream at 9 in the morning (i woke up when myu work called me) that I slept till 4, and I really think I would have! I don't know what to do about this. I want to be dedicated and do my devotions in the morning, but clearly until I recover from this flare up I'm going to be useless. Hubs says it's a bad idea and I just need to go to our room at 9 and do my quiet times then which would give me an hour. I think getting up earlier than normal works great on the weekends--I can devote a lot of time to it and get up at an hour that I still function, but I just don't know if it is feasible for me now. Help! What do you think I should do??

1 comment:

  1. I think you should follow hubs advice and devote yourself to the nightime thing- the point isnt getting up early, its to challenge yourself to be diligent about spending time with the Lord. Dont feel bad, take care of yourself!! Just be in the 9 o'clock club!
